The Accomplished Solopreneur

Issue 24.22

Saturday, June 1, 2024

image courtesy of DALL-E via ChatGPT

Troubleshoot your business Part 5: Lead Nurturing

This is part 5 of the Troubleshoot your business series, where we look at lead nurturing - what happens after marketing. You can read Part 0 Introduction here, Part 1 Niche here, Part 2 Brand here, Part 3 Offers here and Part 4 Marketing here.

In the Tornado Method, Lead Nurturing lives right next to Marketing, and it’s arguably the most important part of your Revenue Engine (or at least just as important as Marketing).

Let’s look at what it is, and why it’s so important.

Why Lead Nurturing is so important

Imagine you’re throwing a party for a bunch of strangers. You put a lot of effort into marketing the event - flyers, posters, friends telling friends. You’re getting a lot of attention, and you’re excited that this is going to be the best party ever.

In fact, you’re so excited by all the attention you’re getting from the marketing, you don’t pay much attention to preparing for the event.

The big day arrives, and people start showing up. But you’re not ready. They don’t see much to excite them. Most leave. Word spreads. Your reputation has suffered.

That’s the difference between marketing and lead nurturing.

No matter how good your marketing, it’s what happens when they eventually show up that determines if they’re going to buy or not.

In the marketing world, this is know as the customer journey.

Good customer journeys build trust

When someone comes to your website the first time, they’re going to form an impression of you. So you need to make your website look decent, and avoid trying to sell them something they moment they show up. Give them the information they need (or rather, what you think they’re looking for), and offer them a lead magnet or invite them to contact you.

What happens next depends on how you nurture your leads. But the goal remains the same:

Good customer journeys build trust so it’s easy for them to buy when you make the offer.

Time to troubleshoot.

Troubleshoot your Lead Nurturing

You can do this exercise on a piece of paper, or you can use this Google sheet. Here’s what you need to do:

Part 1: Describe your Lead Nurturing

As always, you’re going to describe what you do for you lead nurturing (I’m always surprised to see how many people don’t have anything written down). Here are the very basics:

Now we can rate how well you’re doing.

Part 2: Rate your Lead Nurturing

Now you can rate how well your Lead Nurturing is designed. As before, rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is best. Leave a rate empty if it’s not applicable.

A couple of things worth mentioning:

  • EM ONLY - these questions are relevant only if you’re using email marketing.
  • Time spent to qualify leads: Don’t spend hours and hours chasing leads that don’t seem interested. You’re wasting your time (and theirs), and there are many other potential clients that will appreciate the value you bring.

The rest should be self-explanatory; let me know if something is not clear.

Part 3: What now?

As before, you should be aiming to get your average above 7. If not, work on the specific areas where your score is low, and you will see your business results start to improve.

Your homework - and your challenge 😁

Now it’s over to you. Once you’ve done the work, email me and let me know what you found. Was it insightful? Did you struggle with any of the questions? Did you add any of your own?

I’ll see you next week for the last intalment in this series.